Melissa Peterson-Ney KPA CTP

Melissa’s love for dog training began when she was 13 years old through the Kenosha Co. 4-H Dog Project. She has 20+ years of experience teaching obedience classes to all ages. Her joy for teaching others led to her participation in the Karen Pryor Academy. She earned her Professional Dog Trainer’s Certification in 2021. Melissa continues to volunteer for the Kenosha Co. 4-H Dog Project.

Melissa has competed in many dog sports with her dogs, but her true passion is Dock Diving. After competing in her first competition with her Flat Coated Retriever, Kole, she was hooked! Since then, it is hard to get Melissa off of the dock. She is currently competing with her Flat Coated Retriever, Peter Pan, and her German Shorthair, TinkerBell.