Karin Magnuson

Karin started training dogs when she was 15 years old. While serving in the Air Force as a Law Enforcement Specialist, she started spending her time at the dog kennel. The kennel staff decided to put her to work as an assistant to the trainers. This opportunity sparked her interest in training, and she started working at an animal shelter. While at the shelter, she trained and fostered many of the dogs in the attempt to help them find new homes. She then became an Animal Warden.

Karin has been teaching training classes since 1987. She competes with her dogs in conformation, Obedience, Rally, and Barn Hunt. Roscoe, her Doberman, is currently the #3 Barn Hunt Doberman in the country. Roscoe has earned his RATCHX31 and Crazy8s Platinum Gold 9… and he is still going strong!

Karin has trained, fostered, and adopted many dogs with behavioral issues. Her current household consists of 5 Doberman Pinschers. She is excited for this new adventure of teaching at FCDogs!